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Officers and Directors of the Club
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2024-2025 Officers:  
President Virgil Hazelett
President-Elect Amber Northern
President Nominee  
Secretary Casey Smith
Treasurer Tim Reading
Directors and Chairpersons:  
Rotary Foundation Sandy Sizemore
International Service Sharon Bassell
Meeting Set-up and Welcome Tim McDonnell
Public Image Chair Mike Cushnie




Active Charter Members: Marla Coleman; Lawrence Gooss, III; and Harvey L. Hinson


Past Club Presidents: Larry Gooss (’92-’94); Jim Fox (’94-’95); Molly Meem(’95-‘96); Pat Morgan (’96-‘97); Bev Alexander (’97-‘98); Wymond Cabell (’98-‘99); Don Stevens (’99-‘00); Ted Martin (’00-‘01); Marla Coleman (’01-‘02); Julie Redd (’02-‘03); Scott Halloran (’03-‘04); Dave Shepardson (’04-‘05); Stuart Crenshaw (’05-’06); Collin Hoskins (’06-’07); Harvey Hinson (’07-’08 and '08-'09); Pete Olson('09-'10); David Popek ('10-'11); Rob Northern ('11-'12); Vicky Rappold('12-'13); Tim McDonnel ('13-'14); Josh Daniel ('14-'15); Ed Owens ('15-'16), Casey Smith ('17-'18; '18-'19), Jim Hawes (19-20), Tim McDonnell(20-21), Vicky Rappold (22-23; 23-24)


Paul Harris Fellows: Neal Davis (former member), Marla Coleman(and Ned), Jane Cox, Stuart Crenshaw, Wymond Cabell, Larry Gooss [PHF Society, Benefactor], Jim Green (plus Millie and Charles), Harvey Hinson(and Brenda), Collin Hoskins, Jane Marmion, J. Pat Morgan (and Janie and Anna), David Popek, Vicky Rappold, Dave Shepardson, Bob Marshall, Rob Northern, Tim McDonnell, Ed Owens Virgil Hazelett, and Casey Smith.


Honorary Members: James P. Morgan, Jr., Edwin Bell and C. Neal Davis